FAQs > Admin/Financial

How do I admit/move in a resident into the community after normal business hours?

Using Quick ADT to Admit/Move In a Resident

Overview of Quick ADT

Quick Admission, Discharge and Transfer (QADT) allows you to record new residents as well as admissions/move ins, readmissions, discharges/move outs, and transfers without impacting billing. This is typically used by clinical staff after normal business hours. It may also be used by non-billing staff to enter residents during business hours. QADT creates an incomplete census entry the billing office must verify and confirm for payer and rate information. The census entry appears in yellow until completed.

Admitting/Moving In a New Resident

When residents are admitted or moved into to your community after business hours or on weekends and holidays, it is important that their clinical record is created so that staff can begin to document care of the resident.

Quick ADT allows staff to record a new admission/move in without impacting billing. After completing the Quick ADT, the resident is added to the system with an Incomplete census entry, allowing clinical data to be entered.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • Clinical/Care Services > Actions > Quick ADT
    • Admin/Billing > Actions > Quick ADT
  2. In the Quick ADT window, enter the resident's or part of the resident's Surname, First Name, and/or Middle Name. You may also enter the resident's MRN, Date of Birth, or Social Security Number. Click the Search button to search the system for any previous record of the resident.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If a match is found, confirm the resident's identity by comparing the DOB and Social Security Number (SSN). Click the linked resident name to open the existing resident's record.
    • If the resident is not located through the search, click New to create a new record.
  4. Click OK to confirm adding a new resident.
  5. In the Quick ADT window, enter the required information indicated by a red asterisk (*). Complete any additional information on hand into its respective field.
  6. Click Save.

Hints and Tips

  • When admitting a resident through Quick ADT, search records first for an existing chart before creating a new resident record. This prevents a resident from having two medical record numbers/charts.
  • When searching for an existing record, less is more. Entering minimal search information produces more results from which to choose. For example: If you enter 'Smith, Joseph', the system does not return a result for 'Joe Smith'. which may be how the resident was entered into the system previously. It is better to enter 'Smith, J' to find all instances in the database which meet the criteria. You may also enter just the surname or part of the Surname to search as well.
  • Incomplete Census items can be viewed on both the Clinical/Care Services and Admin/Billing Dashboards.
  • A MDS Schedule is generated for new residents entered via Quick ADT based on the Admission date and estimated payer type. Additional clinical items may be generated for new residents such as custom assessments/evaluations, Point of Care tasks and admitting orders.
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